Cambridge iGCSE in English Language
These pages are designed to provide support for students completing the Cambridge iGCSE in English Language at the London Nautical School.
UPDATED: Timetable for Jordans’ Support Tutorials
The student support programme for 2015 is well underway – you can follow the link above to access the specific timetable and there are 4 hour Saturday morning coursework catch-up sessions running throughout January and February. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time if you need any form of support in the lead up to these all-important exams. No request is too large or too small.
- Mr Curran: dcurran@nautical.lambeth.sch.uk
- Ms Correia-Pinto: vpinto@nautical.lambeth.sch.uk
- Mr Harris: lharris@nautical.lambeth.sch.uk
- Mr North: jnorth@nautical.lambeth.sch.uk
- Mr Waugh: cwaugh@nautical.lambeth.sch.uk
Final Deadline for all Controlled Assessments and Coursework:
- Saturday 7 February, 1pm
- Friday 14 March: Year 11 Practice Examination. 9:00am
- Every Tuesday: iGCSE Exam Preparation Masterclass – 3:30pm, Room 201
Easter Revision Sessions:
- Thursday 8 May: English Language (Reading) Examination, 1:30 pm
- Friday 16 May: English Language (Writing) Examination, 1:30 pm (for students completing the ‘exam-only’ option)

Written Coursework
40% of GCSE
The coursework for the Cambridge iGCSE qualification consists of three pieces of writing which are submitted as part of a single portfolio of work.

Speaking and Listening
20% of GCSE
The speaking and listening component of the Cambridge iGCSE qualification consists of one 12 minute presentation which is submitted as a single recorded presentation/discussion.

40% of GCSE
Exam Date: Tuesday 5 May – Afternoon
One Paper where candidates answer three questions on two passages of 600–700 words each, linked by a common theme.
Key Resources
Mr Wilson’s Extended IGCSE Lesson Three
Mr Wilson’s Core IGCSE Lesson Two
Bare Vexed: Mr Waugh’s Text Response Coursework Outline
This is your final piece of coursework, and it involves responding to an opinion article with your own view. This builds on the work you did earlier in your GCSE programme on the use of text and spoken slang as part of modern London youth communication. You're...
Mr Jones’ Group: VIDEO “Bubble”
This is Mr Jones' IGCSE Group's stimulus material for your creative writing piece:
Mr Jones’ Coursework Outline
The tasks attached operate in reference to this article in the Independent about Bob Crow [gview...
IGCSE Extended Paper – Week 2 Exercises – Mr Wilson
IGCSE Core Paper – Mr Wilson’s Lesson 1
IGCSE English Language Exam Support Lesson Timetable
VIEW/EDIT this document
Mr Price’s Coursework Outline
Mr Waugh’s Class: Descriptive Writing Task; Now and Then
Now and Then